Sam Shapiro Law Office
Criminal Defense In Bloomington, Indiana

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A refresher on IU guns laws

Hunting season is upon us once again. It is a great way to get out of town and experience nature with the company of friends and family. However, it is important to remember that those on campus must adhere to specific rules regarding weapons. This includes those who live in Indiana University housing, attend classes, are employed by the school or are simply on the IU property.

Tags: Drug Charges

Marijuana possession can end your college education

For many young people, college is a time of experimentation. From dating a number of people to attending wild parties, there are a lot of opportunities to learn by making mistakes. Unfortunately, some college mistakes have more severe consequences than others.

Tags: None

For experienced help in criminal defense, including DUI defense, call Sam Shapiro Law Office at 812-336-8192.

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