Sam Shapiro Law Office
Criminal Defense In Bloomington, Indiana

July 2018 Archives

Woman's poor judgment led to series of charges

People have lapses in judgment sometimes. The trick is to avoid making life-changing mistakes or harm others. A Florida woman would be doing better if she had exhibited some common sense, but instead she did quite the opposite and it has led to serious problems.

Tags: Drug Charges

Don’t overshare with police during a DUI stop

For young drivers especially, knowing how to interact with an officer during a DUI stop is very important. From the moment that a police officer flips on the blue lights and follows a car, that officer is already gathering information about the driver, attempting to determine if he or she committed a crime.

When does OWI become a felony?

The penalties for drunk driving are severe, and increase with the number of times that individuals are charged. Generally speaking, the first few OWI convictions will be considered a misdemeanor. That can change to a felony, however, which may result in a more severe punishment, including a prison sentence that can range from 6 months to 20 years. It also leads to higher fines, lengthier probations and other potential penalties. While OWI laws vary, there are some general guidelines.

Tags: Drunk Driving

False confessions still happen

It may be hard for some people to understand, but it is a very real and tragic occurrence that people admit to crimes they didn’t commit. One recent high profile example is the groundskeeper for the Chicago White Sox who spent 23 years in jail for murder. The police coerced a false confession out of him during a 12-hour interrogation where he was physically abused by officers and insulted with racial slurs. The man was not cleared until modern day DNA testing of sperm found on the victim cleared the way for the man’s release in 2017.

Tags: Sexual Assault

What a few grams of pot can mean for your college career

For many people, college is a time of firsts. It’s an opportunity to branch out on your own, figure out who you really are and have new experiences. In addition, college students are twice as likely to experiment with drugs and alcohol than if they don’t attend college.

Tags: Drug Charges

For experienced help in criminal defense, including DUI defense, call Sam Shapiro Law Office at 812-336-8192.

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