Sam Shapiro Law Office
Criminal Defense In Bloomington, Indiana

April 2019 Archives

Law enforcement increasing the speed of processing with e-warrants

The routine for pulling over a driver has been similar for decades. That is now changing. While Marion County was the first in Indiana to use e-warrants back in 2016, 45 states now utilize e-warrants, which are sent digitally during the initial stop to a waiting judge to approve or deny.

The consequences of cocaine possession in Indiana

At Indiana University, the manufacture, distribution and use of illegal drugs is prohibited. Many Indiana college students, unfortunately, face educational and legal consequences after being found in possession of drugs. It is important that students prioritize their education and comply with the law at all times.

The age of consent and the law in Indiana

The age of consent is defined here in Indiana and in many places as the age at which an individual can legally and competently consent to sexual activity. The listed age here is 16 years old, but there are variables involved. Indiana, for example, has a “Romeo and Juliet law” that also allows individuals ages 14 and 15 years old to willingly engage in sexual activity as long as the other partner is no more than four years older.

What Michigan’s marijuana laws mean for Indiana residents

Michigan voters approved the legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes in the 2018 election. While the state is still sorting out some of the infrastructure involved, such as the regulation of the businesses, Indiana residents have already started going north to legally buy pot.

OWI and background checks

Those convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs face many challenges. One of the biggest is looking for a job when the applicant has an OWI or other criminal charges on their record. While the Indiana House Bill 1033 protects those who are not convicted or otherwise have their records sealed or expunged, it is a fact that driver not convicted is still enough for those with commercial driver’s licenses (CDL) to be negatively affected.

Tags: Drunk Driving

For experienced help in criminal defense, including DUI defense, call Sam Shapiro Law Office at 812-336-8192.

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