Sam Shapiro Law Office
Criminal Defense In Bloomington, Indiana

September 2018 Archives

Arrests involving marijuana are up nationally

The legalization of marijuana in several states in recent years has dominated the conversation about marijuana use. There are also stories and rumors about the de-criminalization of cannabis even if it does stay on the books. Nevertheless, marijuana-related charges make up 40 percent of drug busts, totaling 1.63 million charges.

Tags: Drug Charges

Why do some college students turn to study drugs?

College students who are trying to get their studies done might need to figure out how to stay awake. Often, they are juggling their schoolwork with having a job and remaining active on campus. This is challenging and studying or working on projects might take a backseat to the need to make money and be social.

Supreme Court Judge nominee's comments about drinking scrutinized

It is fun to tell stories about crazy college shenanigans. It can be just trading stories in-between classes or sitting around with friends. Those stories, however, can be used by public speakers for light-hearted asides speaking to large groups of alumni or professionals.

Tags: Drunk Driving

Education department to institute due process in campus sex charges

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is overseeing a new plan to revamp a Title IX regulation. While the New York Times acquired draft of this new legislation, the details are still being worked out. Early analysis indicates that main thrust of the new plan would be to reduce the number of investigations done each year, to strengthen the rights of those accused of sexual misconduct and providing more emphasis on due process of the accused.

Tags: Sexual Assault

Indiana ranks high in drug use

We recently wrote about the large number of college graduates who still engage in binge drinking. We now follow that post with more news that is cause for concern. According to an analysis of drug addiction on a state-by-state basis plus the District of Columbia, Indiana ranks seventh overall.

Tags: Drug Charges

For experienced help in criminal defense, including DUI defense, call Sam Shapiro Law Office at 812-336-8192.

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