Sam Shapiro Law Office
Criminal Defense In Bloomington, Indiana

May 2018 Archives

Did you receive drug charges after a house party?

If you host a house party in a college town like Bloomington, there is a decent chance that an annoyed neighbor may call the police. At that point, you may face the real possibility that the police charge you with crimes that you may or may not have committed.

Researchers say Breathalyzer has flaws

Anyone who is pulled over on suspicion of DUI or OWI knows the drill. While the officer will often ask a series of questions, it often inevitably ends with the driver taking a Breathalyzer, blood or urine test. The most popular roadside test is the breath test with a Breathalyzer, which has been used as evidence in more than one million DUI convictions in America each year. If the officer suspects that the driver is driving while above the legal blood alcohol concentration limit of .08 percent, they can use implied consent to force driver to take this test and then use it as evidence against the driver.

Tags: Drunk Driving

Does Indiana law incentivize drunk drivers to flee the scene?

Drunk driving is always a risky business. You might leave the bar after a few too many drinks and manage to make it home without getting caught. However, you might get pulled over and arrested, ending up with a suspended license, a few hundred dollars in fines and even serving up to a year in jail. Worse still, you run the risk of getting into an accident—and injuring or even killing someone else. If you kill another person while intoxicated behind the wheel, you’re now facing far more serious felony charges.

Tags: Drunk Driving

Prior DUI Convictions May Have Cost Messer A Senate Seat

There are many life-changing consequences to getting convicted of a DUI. U.S. Senate candidate Luke Messer opted not to publicly disclose the fact that he had twice been convicted for driving under the influence before running for public office. Ironically, initially Messer filled a seat that was vacated in 2003 by former State Representative Roland Stine, who had died a month earlier because he was a victim in a drunk driving accident.

Tags: Drunk Driving

Drug and alcohol use can lead to disorderly conduct charges

College can be a wild experience. It’s a time when young adults live on their own and test the limits of their new-found freedom. This is perfectly fine, as long as it does not involve using drugs or abusing alcohol.

Tags: Drug Charges

For experienced help in criminal defense, including DUI defense, call Sam Shapiro Law Office at 812-336-8192.

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